All India Summary
1. Year-wise Land Use Classification (1)
2. Year-wise Land Use Classification (2)
3. Year-wise Net Area Irrigated from different Sources and Gross Irrigated Area
4. Year-wise Irrigated Area Under Crops ( Cereal and Pulses)
5. Year-wise Irrigated Area Under Crops (Sugarcane, Condiments & Spices , Fruits ,Vegetables & Oilseeds )
6. Year-wise Irrigated Area Under Crops( Cotton, Tobacco, Fodder Crops and Other Non-food Crops)
7. Year-wise Area Under Crops ( Cereals & Pulses)
8. Year-wise Area Under Crops (Sugarcane, Condiments & Spices, Fruits , Vegetables & Oilseeds)
9. Year-wise Area Under Crops (Fibers, Plantation & Other Non Food Crops)
Last updated : 26-04-2021, 07:47 AM