Imports/ Exports/ Inflation Rates, Land Use Statistics and Inputs.

S.No. Details
 Imports/ Exports, Tariffs and Wholesale Price Indices
13.1 India’s Import and Export of Agriculture Commodities vis-à-vis Total National Imports and Exports
13.2 India’s Imports of Agricultural Products
13.3 India’s  Export of Agricultural Products
13.4 Tariffs and Bound Rates on Major Agricultural Commodities/Groups
13.5(a) Trend in Wholesale Price Index of Foodgrains
13.5(b) Growth Rate of Wholesale price Index of Foodgrains
13.6(a) Trend in Wholesale Price Index of Commercial Crops
13.6(b) Growth Rate of Wholesale Price Index of Commercial Crops
Agriculture Lands
14.1 Agriculture Land by use in India
14.2 Selected Categories  of Land Use
14.3 Gross Cropped Area Percentage Distribution
14.4 State-wise Percentage Coverage of Irrigated Area under Principal Crops during 2007-08
14.5 Agriculture Land by type of Use
14.6 Potential created under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Progrmme (AIBP) up to 2007-08
15.1(a) Performance of South West Monsoon
15.1(b) All India rainfall distribution from 1992-93 to 2009-10
15.1(c) Broad regoin wise rainfall distribution from 1992-93 to 2009-10
15.1(d) Rainfall in 2008
15.2 Production and use of Agricultural Inputs in India
15.3 All-India Consumption of Fertilisers in terms of Nutrients (N, P & K)
15.4 Consumption, Production and  Import of Fertilisers
15.5(a) State-wise consumption of Fertilisers
15.5(b) State-wise Estimated Consumption of Fertiliser per Hectare
15.6 Fertilisers consumption per hectare in Selected Countries
15.7 Mineral Fertilizers in Countries of Asia-Pacific Region
15.8 Application of Fertilisers on Paddy and Wheat in India
15.9 Crop-Wise Distribution of Certified/ Quality Seeds
15.10(a) Consumption of Electricity for Agricultural Purposes
15.10(b) State-wise Consumption of Electricity for Agriculture Purpose in 2007-08
15.11 Flow of Institutional Credit to Agriculture Sector
15.12 State-wise Number of Kisan Credit Cards issued up to 30th November 2009
15.13 National Agricultural Insurance Scheme: Trend in Area, Sum Insured, Premium and claims

Last updated : 27-04-2021, 10:27 AM